Is Tomato Juice Gluten-Free? Unveiling the Truth

Is Tomato Juice Gluten Free? Description: In this blog post, we will address a common question among those who follow a gluten-free diet: is tomato juice gluten-free? Join me as we delve into the world of tomato juice and explore whether it contains any traces of...

Vampiro Drink – The Halloween Bloody Mary

Get in the Spooky Spirit with the Vampiro Drink! Why do vampires need to drink blood when they can drink a Bloody Mary instead! Actually a Vapiro is a traditional Mexican cocktail. It’s basically a combination of the best of Mexican cocktails: tequila and...

Frozen Bloody Mary

The Frozen Bloody Mary is a delicious twist to the popular Bloody Mary cocktail. Served frozen, this drink can be served as a dessert, as a pop / popsicle or just used to cool off on a hot day. Frozen Bloody Mary Ingredients: 3 oz of your favorite vodkaRed juicy...
Bloody Mary with Whiskey Recipe

Bloody Mary with Whiskey Recipe

Can you make a Bloody Mary with Whiskey? If you are on this website, we can make an assumption that you’re a fan of the brunch cocktail Queen and like an excellent Bloody Mary. We get asked quite a bit, is Vodka the only alcohol that you are allowed to use? For...